近期最讓人期待的一件事就是,Modern Love被拍成電視劇了阿!太讓人感動了.......雖然還沒開始看,但已經深陷於他們的歌曲中,尤其這首Setting Sail,歌詞真的好有故事。
【Setting Sail 啟程】
We face the music together 我們一起面對現實
And throw our hats in the ring 我們一起為了更好的自己奮鬥
Facing all kinds of weather 面對著各式各樣的困境
And not afraid of anything 毫無畏懼
When the sun comes up we’ll be on our way 當陽光再次出現 我們又有了方向
And we don’t care where we land 不在乎究竟該往何處
And the waves are high but we won’t turn around 大風大浪不會使我們停滯不前
Cos your hand is in my hand 因為我始終握著妳的手
Ahhhh you make me feel invincible 妳使我相信自己能戰勝一切
Cos it’s you and me 只要與妳一起
Through the wind and hail 無論是否起著強風或下著冰雹
Setting sail into the world 我都有勇氣往世界啟航
We build the house out of nowhere 我們隨處搭起了一個家
And hung our hearts on the walls 將滿滿的心意裝飾於各個角落
I guess it all got too familiar 然而當一切成了習慣
We let it crumble we let it fall 我們便任其粉碎 任其跌落
In the mundane stuff of the day to day 在平平淡淡的日子裡
We forget what used to be 我們漸漸忘記了曾經的自己
So I kick myself to remind myself 只好踢自己一腳去好好地回想
And it all comes back to me 終於所有的回憶又浮現於腦海中
Ahhhhh when we were scared of nothing girl 曾經的我們是那麼的無所畏懼
It was you and me 只要與妳一起
Through the wind and hail 無論是否起著強風或下著冰雹
Setting sail into the world 我都有勇氣往世界啟航